Sunday, 30 December 2018


The barre

Life becomes a bit sweeter,
movements are pure pleasure,
my body language turns tender,
I relax all of my muscles.

Suddenly relevés provoke tension,
since the posture ought to be maintained,
and just towards the end
keep pressing, pushing is a clear notion.


Making of

When all isolated words
are translated, thus transformed
into stunningly beautiful known words,
enchantresses feel jealous.

Even when it is a downward spiral
of both thoughts and emotions,
each part of speech surrenders,
it crumbles to the romantic notion
of anonymously written poems.


The reader

Tell me you also feel the same,
that you wish to fuck my lines,
for this pressure I cannot take any longer.
Undress my soul with your words,
 go deeper, where you've never dared.

Don't you be afraid to dig out
am I not just saying so;
I will give you the info you want
but only after letting me know.
Your shyness makes me play,
eat your verses out every day.



Once more round the sun,
twenty six years old so far...
to be honest, have I grown up?
As I am still unruly, still childlike.

Hey, wait a second...
I have pulled off the trigger
is that so wrong?
I still gather material, reckon.

My rhymes get sloppy,
but I still play with their etheral beauty.
I grow highly intense portraits,
I grive, suffer through laments.



Drifting into this vast space
hardly can I spot your face,
truly it has been kind of weird,
a strange situation since last year.

All that happened seems so far,
so so far since our last goodbye,
yet when I intend to go on
I tend to bump into the stone.

But now there lies a big difference
nothing comes to settle down,
I stop for a minute and smile;
I wish to move on, it's been enough.

I am so glad this has stopped,
yet where's your aura now?
Is your body having fun,
composing a lot, doing your stuff?



Sunday afternoons -
they often drive me
to acknoledge existence, to admire feelings,
to connect with myself,
to correct mistakes,
and never again commit them.

I said "often", not "usually",
so don't you worry -
for am I still faulty
and umpolished figures
seem to be the specialty;
those are the herbs and spices
I concentrate on.



Fearless, thoughtless contributions
presented and expressed
as thoughts and opinions
to be publicly available,
for everyone accesible-

The problem with this
apparently seems to be
the fact of your believing it,
the fact of your believing me -
please, just don't.

I'll tell you a little secret,
I constantly cheat,
I helplessly lie
I know it won't make you smile,
I do what I say, say what i feel like.

Saturday, 29 December 2018



The only appreciated,
acceptable human being
I could possible be
is that kind
who allows herself to live,
who is always thirsty
of meaningful experiences
carefully treasuring;
the one who, last but not least,
allows herself to set free
no matter whatever
may come out of it.



Something must be going on,
I'm just uncertain, though
about admitting this or not;
how about letting it flow?
I'm mad about you.

I can't believe it,
that I've waited for so long
to find the precise words
to describe how I feel
every time I catch a glimpse
of your post metal style
glancing at everything...
everything but me.



I'm not quite sure
who that person is
that person I usually call "me".
Nontheless, I'm fond of me's ideas.
I guess I mean
when they finally come out
as twisted, yet priceless.



Days pass like a disgrace,
every depiction of life looks grey,
and flowers have no smell
unless you are out there.

I urgently ask for your presence,
nothing here looks the same,
I think about you night and day -
your poems are like fresh air.


A new adventure

° Unforeseen circumstances
they weaken its soft soul
all that shine erodes beneath it
until it trespasses its soul. °
A chaotic creature,
it is brand new to me,
into its sea I venture
I look for its hopes and fears.

It's highly ambitious
hardly ever can it be stopped;
nothing could be undone
unless it feels totally lost.

However, perfect synchronisation
is not such a huge target,
but we perform it like professionals,
even with that "A" in scarlet.

Wednesday, 26 December 2018



Anxiety is knocking at my door,
I'm so so dubious
about answering or not.
Perhaps I guess I should,
and let it happen, you know...
or perhaps should I sit down.
If only would I chill out
and to this would I get back,
because of this I already feel disqualified
to fully this hard task accomplish.



Life becomes somehow miserable;
years, they seem eternally long;
months, just utterly exhausting;
weeks, they're everything but lovable;
days, constantly pushing your spirit;
hours, rebellious girls against pleasure.

Minutes, they declare war on happiness;
seconds, they're covered with orders
and heavy duties,
and nonsensical commands,
precise events and spontaneous moments
thirsty for the ultimate desire
of telling us how to live.

Completely alienated,
totally distracted from what's real,
which is our true feeling,
which is our significant others,
which is our relationships,
the ways with people we connect.


Writer's block #3

Indeed have I come back.
However, it appears to be today
when the only sounds I'm uttering
are in order for you to understand
I'm not actually on my way,
and it's likely I never will.

I just can't stop feeling
I'm done with all this...
...all this poem writing thing.


Writer's block #2

It was yesterday
the world poetry day,
but I just couldn't,
couldn't come up with an idea
once again, like a beginner.

It is as if the whole magic,
all the great thoughts
once and only released for a purpose
that of creating, that of writing
my first prose notebook.

Therefore, I'm terribly sorry
there's nothing I wish to write.
I know should I neither worry
nor even should I apologise
for this part of my life cycle.

Soon, perhaps in the long run
I probably might be able
to make a careful observation,
for deep instrospection to happen;
yet I'm not in the mood for that.



° Every melody sounds like you,
every word is devoted to you,
maybe should I go for a vermouth
as directly with you
we talk this through. °


How should I stop addressing words,
which parts of speech should I employ
in order to let you know
that you're somehow awesome,
that I'm looking forward to our meeting,
that my mate is getting cold
here, waiting for you to come?

Become my real equinox,
prove to be the turning point
in favour of lasting change,
in favour of the real thing
between two extraordinary people,
people like you and I,
and the world spinning us.



Many's been the times
I remember having told you
to simply shut up,
to close that damned door
and never coming back.

I was such a violent, egocentric,
nasty human being
I'm not surprised to see
you've got someone else
other than the old same me.

I'm so sick and tired
of hearing rumours around her
of the silly comments
about the newly formed couple
you're now part of.

Nonetheless, I'm not getting in that game
in spite of everything it is said,
as there's nothing greater
than sisterhood, than fellowship
between two women.



My shoes are well aware,
they know where I've been.
Of my struggle they're conscious,
they'll never let me lie
about me having a clear notion
of travelling through space and time.

Countless hours of deep thoughts
my brain wouldn't for a minute stop,
and neither my feet would.
Wondering around the globe,
eagerly awaiting to let me know,
what in my life will be going on.



Today these weak lines
are being plainly written
for you to go back to your field,
to return to that holy paradise
you've always belonged to.

I definitely find you amusing,
here every word you combine
is a pleasure for my darkened heart,
immense satisfaction with them
I actually seem to find.

Never cease to amaze me,
down on my knees I am begging,
sorely do I need your poems
like humans need water
after running ten kilometres.

Monday, 24 December 2018



° The Sun shines bright,
before my eyelids you sparkle°

Then, how come
your incapability
to connect
to play
to stay
with me tonight
is still a reality?
The eye witness
is the sky,
it is watching you.

Stop playing around,
and look at me
straight in the eye.

Please come,
make up your mind,
and give us this time
a second chance.



The way you make me feel,
how you catch a deep breath,
and make every fucking moment ideal;
as though existence has a put up a sign
which says it is closed for holidays.

The extrasensorial experience
of touching your artificial heart
might now stand for as
what I've always wanted in a man,
what still keeps me up to
so enchanted, so curious.



Sometimes you flow,
sometimes you don't -
not anymore.

You see,
life isn't all about sorrow,
or how things used to be.

It's about realising
when it's time to leave,
and the unmeasurable relief
after the so expected breakup
with yourself and others.



Rhymes get difficult,
rhymes get tricky,
especially for us,
who constantly juggle
between leisure and duties.

The attempt is to survive
to make it to the night.
But it seems much easier if,
as landing on your bed,
you write cool stanzas instead.

Sunday, 23 December 2018


Writer? #2

There are no recycled thoughts,
I write as if I knew nothing at all
I write as if I were a newly born
in the art of pouring out words.

All the time am I choosing the words
among that severe emotional storm
like the need of harmony for a conductor
when a masterpiece is being composed.

Perfection is always pursued
but nowhere to be found, it's true.
I've just begun to wander,
though I know I might never succeed.

Flaws are part of the menu,
something I must tackle with.
Spelling mistakes are numerous,
is it time to start something new?


Sixth sense

Immediately after closing my eyes
the gloomy scenario turns clear and sound,
yet not everyone is capable of that;
in fact no one really does
no one is as perceptive as you are.

Every word I attempt to utter,
every Summer leaf I'm eager to caress
everything seems to somehow resemble
the shape of your lonely heart,
perhaps your sixth sense had figured that out.

Hardly ever in my lifetime
had I felt this way
in other words, that is to say
to get so intimate so soon
so as to draw myself in the nude.



Peace is forever
love is a tresure,
your voice is a melody
every thought is a feather.

Friends stay together
through the stormy weather,
confiding my secrets
we'll be stronger than leather.

If this is a dream,
never say never
because life with you
is an everlasting pleasure.


Well known

I knew every small detail,
all your reactions,
all your sayings.

I knew what you'd do for pleasure,
what you'd do on certain occassions,
especially if you were under pressure.

To be brutally honest,
I knew everything I had to know,
so there was nothing beyond -
not even love.

That's it, I just got bored.

There was no big surprise
after such a long time
for me to go forth
to finally step outside
and that threshold trespass -
rather than simply saying "no more",
instead of with you going on.



Because many women still die,
but to the end they fight for their right
sometimes to just remain alive.

Because some women try hard
to fulfulfill their everyday tasks
without even being recognised.

That's why I felt so driven
by the strength of all women,
by their sorority,
by their dignity.

This poem is for you and I.
This gift of mine is today for us,
for us to embrace our souls
on a new March the eighth.

Friday, 21 December 2018



Today it's Friday
it's a brand new day,
it's perfect for starting up
for forgotten projects to be run.

Only one piece of advice
for you to bear in mind:
look for a nearby river,
and let all concern flow there.

What already belongs to the past
in our histories should remain.
What is happen to next
is entirely up to us now.

But never miss this out
unless you may want to give up:
both the opportunity to grow up,
and to leave all negativity behind.



Writing poems
it's never been my thing;
I'd actually make fun of them -
I mean well known writers
for having mastered such skills.

Who said I'd become one?
I've only written 104 so far,
but who can really tell me,
who can be that sure
so as to call me like that?


A veces

A veces las cosas pasan
y no hay vuelta que darle.
A veces las cosas pasan
sin que puedas escaparte.

A veces las cosas pasan
y dan vueltas como torbellinos.
A veces cuando menos lo esperás
estás bailando al borde del abismo.

No soy quién para aconsejar,
nada creo haber aprendido de amor y amoríos,
pero tampoco es tarea fácil dejarme doblegar
por lo que dicta el libre albedrío.

Sin embargo es menester un armisticio
entre razón y sentimientos;
y en ésto mentir no me permito:
yo también hago cosas sin sentido.

A veces las cosas pasan
y bien hacen en darse una vuelta
porque así me doy cuenta
del placer de estar viva, suelta.



Sailing through the desert,
calling you by your name,
saying hello as I wave my hand
even though I can hardly see your face.

The sky now is clear and blue,
so my perspective pretty much improves,
and I really do hope
you'll be able to see me, too.


Artistic block

I've been with this artistic block
since I was 21 years old;
the only thing I know for sure
is that living life was I trying,
that since then did I begin wandering
in order to obtain knowledge,
in order to save some money
for lots of notebooks of poetry filling
with stanzas, with verses
about spiritual life and death,
about my innermost curses.
From beginning to end...
until that day comes
when nothing more will be said
unless there's no expire date,
and I hope it will remain the same.



It's hard to go out for a walk,
especially when cathing a glimpse of our spots.
Everything then goes blurry all around.
The scenery suddenly goes black and white -
turning into a VCR I need to rewind.

Unfinished talks surrounding us
of what we used to hate and love.
Not only did we hope for things to unravel,
but also were there dreaming of travelling,
of our souls finally rediscovering.

Even though that day would never come,
that those events would never happen,
I really expect you get those things done,
I really wish you the best of luck,
and honestly want you to know

you will always remain in my heart.


River (pologue)

Will he ever know we're done?
Will he ever know it's been enough?
I long to forget him,
he longs to forgive me
for having run that river dry.



No one has become my saviour,
no one will ever do that,
but it is my demeanour
the only way for this to end up.

The only agent or factor here
has turned out to be me
in the past I must've misheard
all the words my heart uttered.

I know I can't fully rely on others,
and now I wouldn't like to be bothered,
though I'm aware there's a huge problem
if I supress people in the name of honour.