Sunday, 28 July 2019



Sun, set me on fire
sweating, water
that's what we sense
lack of breeze in between.

Sun, set me on fire
I can't take it any longer
if I'm meant to survive
I want that by my side.



Colourful sunsets,
they mean so much to me.
Lifeless, distracted people
unable to perceive
how many colours
the sky provides.
Nothing can they feel,
something I cannot believe.
Me, no need to travel,
no need to use a spying glass
in order to quietly sit down
and carefully observe
all this while crying
all this while daydreaming.
I wish one fine day
their phones they will forget;
that day, they will fall in love
without bodies and hearts.


Black and White

Pitch black, darkness,
I can distinguish nothing
so I politely ask the stars
to light my reality up,
so what do I get?
Complete enlightenment
my eyes, my skin, my lips
all focused on me
my brain shuts down
so as to restore my heart
make it beat, come alive
I give in to heal
for this is just the start.



I am the utter chaos
trying to conquer words
and I will continue
knocking at your door
whispering in your ear
the wind will bring butterflies
my voice will belong to the breeze
while that strange driving force
will make them fly
without them flapping their wings
chaos will free your mind
let me in, you will see
your hallway will turn wide.


A Bird

There are times
when I blame instinct
when I challenge fate,
but it doesn't means
nature's accepted the deal.
That's what took place
last night, you, standing there
totally indefense
mosquitoes biting your skin's,
taking your blood
waiting for your mum
who never showed up
I'm sorry I'm not your mum,
looking after you
wasn't enough;
you let yourself die
in search of dignity.



Foreigners now sharing
my connection with them exile
taking off has been considered
as a greater opportunity,
way better than loathing
for not finding the smile
I once looked for
at the very beginning.



This equinox
this new moon
after hitting hard
new blood
being born
it all provided me
with a second chance
to admit what I did,
who I was,
needless to say
I must clarify
where I wish to go,
which the goals are
where the horizon resides,
where it is to be found.



In my deepest dreams
I'm by your side
and share this thought;
that you look gorgeous
no matter fucking what,
all this while getting high
on your addictive skin.
I slowly take your T-shirt off
kiss your belly, your arms
I await and fall asleep upon you;
what else could I ask for?



Everything goes wrong,
nothing left to do;
none of this due to stop.
I give myself in to the rhythm
indeed imposed by fear.

The sole act of giving up
means no more self harm
it means healing deep inside.
Hydration, morning fresh air;
nothing better than this
an open door, once again.



A un lado del ser me encuentro
impedimento el comunicar
me obstaculiza avanzar
pues no hay mayor barrera
que aquella de ser sin estar;
sé que siento,
sé que transpiro
estoy viva,
estoy consciente
en el medio del camino.


Between the lines

It is somehow necessary
to read between the lines
and see what is happening
since silence is a bliss
I take advantage of my blanks noticing how I breathe
and, completely out of the blue
I realise it is worth living
not at all am I in solitude,
but by nature surrounded.


Self portrait II

Indeed hope and death
rocks trembling all of a sudden
falling into the abyss
a blurred self portrait in my hand.

Uncontrollable quietness
the sky time after time provides
need not take soma
eyes wide open to life;
the inevitable occurs, happens -
still here, I just wander.



de un lado del muro estoy
intenta comunicar sobre el encierro
qué me provoca no avanzar
pues no hay mayor impedimento
que el de ser un estar.

Sé que siento
aunque no podría entenderlo
caminar no es sinónimo de moverse
de transitar el camino
qué te hace cuestionar
el mero desconcierto
de la verdad a ciegas.



Peaceful instrumental interludes
some fresh air among voices
butterflies, hummingbirds, bees
they randomly flap their wings.

It's fussion, we collide
I find myself in a silent limbo,
who am I becoming into
towards the untimely end?



La trayectoria de la luz
me encandila por completo
apenas descubro su figura
contoneándose la siento
en plena oscuridad la veo
no preguntes ni cómo ni por qué,
mi única seguridad es que sé
sé que se acerca el momento.


Gregor Samsa

Gregor Samsa almost there
breaking up with fiction,
travelling through ether
to fight against brain cells,
telling me to think twice
ordering me not to relapse
so that my unconscious mind
does not rule against all odds
it is not worth the effort
it is just one night stand.



Life in contrast
through Almodóvar's eyes
his shades, his bright colours
I just love him
I cannot help it
scenes in loop
endlessly repeating,
yet never boring.



So afraid of thunderstorms
in boxes I tend to hide
so tempted to get out,
yet unable to calm down.
Please, come to me
join me on this journey
the news will have told you
a deadly pattern of behaviour
has completely taken me.



I can't seem to find the Sun
rainy weather is such an impediment
were I be able to clear up my mind
I would probably gust boundaries, lines.

What I can say is there are no borders
it is all about emotions how I perceive life through my lens,
it is all about unique standpoints.

Monday, 1 July 2019



Wouldn't the Earth
be a much better place
if for a minute we called off
this autobiographical film?
Acting without selfishness,
becoming more empathic
conscious of the environment,
the habitat I live in looking after,
no specism no contradiction,
opening my heart a little 
giving love to this, my being,
finishing boycotting my body,
showing friends and lovers
I actually care about them
as much as I care about myself.



Soft brownish skin
as a child I hated it
meaning my colour
once thought I was worthless,
inferior to other children;
such a dummy girl.
I am so valuable,
loved by my friends
desired by some others
who place their hands
over my tummy
claiming that my tegument
it gently wraps me
that I am such a beauty.



The right moment
is when I feel like saying it;
feeling and not expressing
it is quite exhausting
an utter waste of time
and precious opportunities.
So nevermind, you know,
I miss you again, boy.


love is that loaded gun
you pull the trigger, I'm done.
Sometimes I'm afraid to die
in that search to agonise;
that pursuit of communion
I might not come back, you know,
but you, just in case,
look at me straight in the eye
were the end one day come.



I miss you after the shower
I want you again, honey
your scent dancing in the dark
it makes me feel numb;
my mouth drooling over the floor,
let's get together, boy.



A sense of togetherness
that is nowhere to be found
my feelings up to date
spotted at this moment,
begging me to simply give up
"move on, your time is now".
Can't help it but writing
I'm on the verge of leaving
of unhappiness am I tired.



My left hand on my belly
asking my conscience
to chill out and enjoy
the precise instant
when I stop relying on boys
as the one and only source
of satisfaction, of pleasure.

A lucky survivor,
once in the depths of despair,
not to be ruled anymore
I do love myself,
I embrace who I am
and today you're gonna learn
I'm not your doll.



You, followers,
you'll never read
manufactured lies
you see, I never say hi
in order to receive replies -
in your timeline I interrupt.

I prefer deep content
truth in my lines
being at my wit's end
to link ideas in my mind
instead of turning over
and produce insignificance
with the sole aim
of getting some likes.


A short story

I'm done with ending
I dislike pretending
that it's okay
to simply hide my pain
whilst making this way;
I'm not able to do that.

I want to be a little girl
at least once again
just to read our story,
click through pages
in restrospective,
then flash forward
to the chapter
where this never ends
so that we pretend
it's not over yet.