Friday, 1 March 2019



On the verge of shattering
the wonderful world of words
they approach, come near
because they already know
soon I will utilise them
them, so joyfully inviting me
I take part in the feast
among syllables, rhymes,
homophones, false cognates.

We are all here for eating
for devouring one another,
not feeling advantageous
just living the moment
whilst marvellous stanzas
they shall materialise,
shaping up to dazzling smiles.
Coming from your mouth,
what else could I ask for?
I am not surprised,
no, not at all.


Self inflicted

Love making
self inflicted
upon my body
not always definite
I fancy souls
I hate spectacles
I prefer blurry vision
I admire differences
customised scenarios
to set myself free
from locks and cages.



Never deprive me from your eyes
I want to gaze at them
as you do it with mine.
Every time I read your lines
I look in my pocket of, there we are,
relentlessly carrying me, is it you,
whilst your prose, your tongue
very well is it tanunting me
causing my comeback
I cannot take it anymore
come kiss me, boy.



Sunsets are not the same
no, baby, not at all.
Neither is my soul, non-stop
you know, time fucking flies
hark! tick tock tick tock
What time is it now?
Is it soon or is it too late for us,
for me to come and sit by your side?



Three years have been
since I began a new lifestyle -
walking around the world
totally make up free.

Of course it soon expired,
yet none of that matters.
It is like dropping a mask,
a time consuming costume at last.

I know people do not really mind.
Trust me on this one,
people their own film star
you are just a cameo in their lives.



disturb my sight with a tiny smile

scan my thoughts with your wisdom

predict my movements each time desire returns

torute my prejudice my black veil

make me love your madness

make me staarve without your mouth

so that by the end of the day

I always come back to your house/heart

so that by the end of the times

my admiration for you escalates



Abducted by your darkness
your stream of consciousness
I am so thrilled, I wake up,
losing the cliff heights,
no lighthouse, no lantern
your extinct love fire
missing you, needing you,
pondering the possibility
of losing that unique and only
poetic point of view.



My muse, my wet dream
in here there's a limbo
among brutal nightmares.
Abducted by darkness -
damn, lust yells at night.
I'm so afraid to wake up
missing you, needing you,
but oh no, night also comes
asking me for a second ride
and, speaking in tongues,
it craves for self love.



Developing a customised theoretical framework
for such a simple yet emotional glimpse,
making carefully selected observations
in order not to commit further regretful errors.
Conducting and repeating trials -
carrying out experiments just in case.
Gathering meaningful information
your gaze tests emotional strength.
All this to verify my very own predictions,
that I am such a soulful mess.



I am plainly soaking wet
no longer may I recognise
the game I should play,
or who I really am,
I am my only making through the day,
as I shed skin and fur,
I become into a different shape.

Even until today
humidity can be smelled
now the Lloró rainforest
having taking place here,
having become an animal, me,
violently do I flap my wings,
yet peacefully do I close my eyes.

Approaching stars, they are shining,
among lightbulbs, beetles
I perceive shades of colours -
turquoise, blue, orange, green;
I notices shades of meaning -
watch, gaze, look, glance, see.


Mourning III

Si algo comprendí
a lo largo de estas semanas,
para mi sorpresa cuatro
de este espantoso hiato
es que aún me encantás,
me gustás demasiado,
sin embargo
no puede ser, no será,
pues aquello que me gusta
es la idea que me hice de vos.

No soy la misma,
no pretendo mirar hacia atrás.
La situación me hace infeliz,
de mismo modo
la distancia emociona,
la distancia geográfica.

Me atraés con fuerza magnética,
no lo intentaré negar;
seguís siendo mi musa inspiradora
aún en la oscuridad,
en total clandestinidad,
la de mis sábanas
aunque me resista con uñas y dientes
a la posibilidad de regresar.

Tal vez nuestras ramas
se tomaron licencia
de crecer en forma desmedida,
se fueron, se alejaron,
en otra realidad se encuentran ahora.
Tal vez vaya siendo hora
del lazo espiritual
al fin quebrantar,
tal vez sea tiempo
de antes del verano
las ramas llegar a podar.


Mourning II

Me trago los sentimientos
casi que guardo dolor
cual ampolla de pus,
como si mi corazón
fuera un chaleco antibalas
sin amor para vos;
cuando en verdad no es tal
la fortaleza en mi alma.
A veces, debo admitirlo,
fantaseo con sentirlo así.

Tengo hambre,
tengo sed,
soy tan vulnerable
me desespera
no saber
pues me acostumbré,
tales necesidades las cubría
el propio ser,
luego por mutuo cariño,
antaño inconmensurable.

Una vez más en este lugar
me he quedado en cero-
Extenuada me siento
no hay energía
no hay predisposición
para pasarla un poco mejor;
sólo siento que extraño,
pero hace falta más,
mucho más que eso
para volver a considerarlo
otro posible tormento.

Me devoro los sentimientos
sin agua, sin anestesia los trago,
te muestro como si no,
indiferencia hacia lo que ocurrió;
nada más alejado de la realidad.
Total normalidad,
nada para proyectar.
Pura intuición acá,
mas porto esa certeza
de que el mareo puedo soportar.
¿A ver hasta cuándo,
a ver para cuándo
seguir repitiendo y no marchar?


Mourning I

Aún no lo descifro,
causales, variables,
cansancio, frustración.
Un paradigma harto relativo
áquel que se me presentó –
¿Quién habrá sido
ese monumental vencedor?

Ya no descarto nada
tal vez fueron los dos.
De todos modos
poco de esto ya importa,
pues me reduje a cero.
Incolora, nula, inerte;
aquí un desierto yace.



An infinite loop or creative process
that so much is it involved
when splitting the atom,
the nucleus of paradigms,
of self-imposed lies;
thus final final stop for the status quo
conformed by archaistic knives.

Now breaking up, not grouping,
like a driving force here bursting;
never more miracles shall I crave,
for what comes next will remain
only insofar as it becomes
utterly incessant and necessary,
widely arguable to everybody
for me to keep on writing;
food for thought, delivery coming.


Repetition II

I write
I write because I can’t lie;
I can’t lie
I can’t lie because I can’t find
a way of living
a way of not hesitating
a way of breathing
a way of coping with everything
a way of feeling without grabbing.



My uterus started crying
before lights abandoned me.
Blood seems to have died slowly,
and so does our mutual affection, honey.

Your voice is yelling so silently
it barely sounds like nothing
in the middle of nowhere,
the Lut desert, no oasis.

Pain, decay, suffering –
all guests to enjoy the party
every sensation but caring,
looking after each other,
looking forward to bad times enduring.

Each of them, they all arrive,
they gather, they await
for my very last act,
until the dreadful finale.



Un día entero para llorar
con exactitud diecisiete horas
lloriqueando por lo que no fue.
Irrumpió con rayos y truenos
a la falacia libró su suerte
se desató la magia, la barbarie
de quienes odian las interrupciones
de quienes detestan ser detestados
de quienes gotea lo que no podrán desear.